Elephants in the Room: Buffalo Attendance Teachers

Elephants in the Room: Buffalo Attendance Teachers
Buffalo School Board need to reinstate the Attendance Teachers

Mamie Till Mobley

"I made a commitment to rip the covers off Mississippi, USA-revealing to the world the horrible face of race hatred. I took the privacy of my own grief and turned it into a public issue, a political issue, one which set in motion the dynamic force that led ultimately to a generation of social and legal progress in this country." (2003)

Death of Innocense: the Story of the Hate Crime that Changed America (2003)

"The jurors heard one thing that was important to them, and that was a white woman's claim that a black boy had insulted her. That was all they needed to know ... it was all they would consider in making up their minds." Mamie Till Mobley

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why vote for Ramon Jimenez, Freedom Party New York State Attorney General

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ishmael Reed Interviewed for the MRB

"I grew up in the projects in Buffalo new york and began to understand the power of words at a very early age in high school, found a short story work of fiction I wrote opened doors for me and I've been writing ever since, and all the things that have come to me in terms of prizes and income have been the result of my writing."
If I had not spend a bout five years in New York downtown among the art scene, I would have not been capable of writing the kind of style that I use. My style more akin to the collage or jazz which I play than to traditional linear non-fiction. In writing Barack Obama and Return of Jim Crow Media....Media has not changed its marketing strategy since 1830s with arrival of the penny press, the idea that African Americans and Africans are intellectually inferior, a side show to the news the source of all the country's problem that has not changed but getting worse, appearing there they would meet a black journalist in nation's news room and TV studio , but now they been bought out fire 100s of them, now an all white jury judging black Americans , institutions...

Ishmael Reed

Friday, September 3, 2010

Buffalo Massacre: Victims Speak Up

George K. Arthur, former president Buffalo Common Council speaks at the forum regarding the Buffalo News article on August 22, showcasing the records of the victims to M. Sullivan Buffalo News Editor who made the decision to run the story.

Buffalo Massacre: Victims Speak Up

Over 1000 African Americans and the families of the victims murdered in cold blood 4 dead, 4 wounded in one of the worst massacres in the history of Buffalo at a downtown restaurant, City Grill on August 14, 2010. The Buffalonews paper criticized for publishing the criminal records of the victims in what the African-American community viewed as racist and insensitive. Margaret Sullivan, Editor and Vice-President of the News appeared at this forum with members of her staff in a historic forum at True Bethel Baptist Church, Ferry St., Buffalo. Pastor Darius Pridgen, candidate for the Ellicott District, presided over the event. Read more at: the Buffalo Empire Star