Elephants in the Room: Buffalo Attendance Teachers

Elephants in the Room: Buffalo Attendance Teachers
Buffalo School Board need to reinstate the Attendance Teachers

Mamie Till Mobley

"I made a commitment to rip the covers off Mississippi, USA-revealing to the world the horrible face of race hatred. I took the privacy of my own grief and turned it into a public issue, a political issue, one which set in motion the dynamic force that led ultimately to a generation of social and legal progress in this country." (2003)

Death of Innocense: the Story of the Hate Crime that Changed America (2003)

"The jurors heard one thing that was important to them, and that was a white woman's claim that a black boy had insulted her. That was all they needed to know ... it was all they would consider in making up their minds." Mamie Till Mobley

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: 13 prospective Buffalo School Board candidates fil...

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: 13 prospective Buffalo School Board candidates fil...: The Buffalo School Board elections  jump started with the 13  prospective candidates filing nominating  petitions this week.  Surprisingly, ...

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: Superintendent Brown looking for a few "chiefs" to...

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: Superintendent Brown looking for a few "chiefs" to...: In her effort to reorganized her central office leadership team , Super Pamela Brown is looking for few good "chiefs" willing to ...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: School board election update

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: School board election update: The Buffalo School Board election is in May.  New for voters this year was the redistricting of the School Board. So, it's important f...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: New York trailed behind Maryland ranked No. 1 in ...

THE INSURGENT TEACHER BLOG: by Maria Rosa, SDA: New York trailed behind Maryland ranked No. 1 in ...: If only Governor Andrew Cuomo read more education news  instead of accumulating vintage cars or buying 17 year old Broncos for his teenag...